
Adam I. Gerard

Windows Install Notes

It's been a while since I used a Windows machine for development. (Windows has traditionally been my preferred and most commonly encountered development environment of choice.) Have to say, I'm immensely impressed by Windows 11!

There are many great changes overall (and, I disagree with some critics - the new taskbar is much improved - centering the icons is a much better experience than having to peer over in the left corner on large screens/UHD 4K TVs).

Here are some notes to accompany my previous set up notes for Mac.


This will install Node, Git, and Python 2.7.

As of 5/21/2022 - Windows 11 Pro 21H2 22000.675.

For Node:

  1. Make sure to open your terminal of choice with the Run As Administrator option (equivalent in some ways to sudo).
  2. Download Git SCM
  3. Download NVM
  4. Download Python 2.7
  5. Rename the python executable to to python2 (node-gyp requires this nomenclature).
  6. Search locally for sysdm.cpl to open System Properties -> Advanced -> Environmental Variables in Windows 11.
  7. Add the install path to your User and System Variables.
  8. nvm install X.Y.Z && nvm use X.Y.Z (in Bash or ZSH) for the specific version of Node you want.
  9. I've had the best luck using Visual Studio 2017 (Community) rather than a newer version. Download after signing into Microsoft here.
  10. Make sure to tick off:

Visual Studio 2017 Installation details

  1. Run npm config set msvs_version 2017
  2. Run npm i or whatever npm or node commands you desire.


This will install Java 1.18, Maven, Tomcat 10 and Gradle.

Updated 8/25/2022 - Windows 11 Pro 21H2 22000.856.

  1. Download Java 1.18
  2. Download Maven 3.8.6
  3. Download Tomcat 10
  4. Download Gradle 7.5.1
  5. Add the relevant System variables under Advanced system settings > Environment Variables.
  6. GRADLE_HOME should point at your unzipped Gradle root directory.
  7. JAVA_HOME should point to your Java root directory.
  8. MAVEN_HOME should point to your unzipped Maven root directory.
  9. Then add the following to your Path.
  10. %JAVA_HOME%\bin,
  11. %GRADLE_HOME%\bin
  12. %MAVEN_HOME%\bin

Run the folloiwng commands to verify your installs.

  1. javac -version
  2. mvn -version
  3. gradle --version

Navigate to: http://localhost:8080/ after running the new(ish) Apache Tomcat10 executable.
