I've talked about traditional cultural tropes and folklore that have found their way into the modern world: Techne and Philosophy - "it is the same at the end as it is at the beginning" perhaps rings more true now than ever. Examples:
One intriguing notion I've alluded to regards the ability to permanently affix the meaning of an Expression (by wrapping the Language the Expression is part of within the Expression itself). An Expression exhibiting Semantic Immuration is bound in a sense since the meaning is singular, one, and univocal. The Language is only partially public since it is "visible" but cannot be "deformed" (is not subject to semantic drift).
Continuing with the notion that modern technology and mathematical techniques are often incarnations of ancient folk notions under new branding we might think of "binding" an Expression in such a way. For example, let the symbol ⊡
(I've randomly selected Unicode symbol 22A1
) stand for the application of that Function (of wrapping the Language of the Expression within the Expression itself).
For convenience let's also suppose we preclude any fixed-points or the like (stipulated as part of the meaning and definition of the binding symbol ⊡
Then, the Expression Q
for some Expression Q := ⊡P specifies:
as Expressed by Q
. Any shift in interpretation, meaning, etc. w.r.t. to P
as set by Q
is simply a different Expression R
such that R ≠ Q
) such that its being applied twice returns the Expression to its original prebound state. Then, ⊡Q := P which uniquely specifies P
as expressed by Q
. This reminds me both of the kinds of immutable deontic commands that are found across various religions equally as well as it does the kinds of "Devil's bargins" often found in folklore. If (some) kinds of Language vary or alter, there are clearly cases where it might be useful or desirable for Language to remain fixed eternally.
Going from the other direction, can we construct Expressions that always change in their meaning? Yes, we can do so in a similar fashion.
(I've randomly selected Unicode 229B
: symbl.cc - 229B).⊛
stand for the operation the next time you read this Expression, the character *n* contained within this Expression, increments by 1 since the last time you did. If it's the first time you've read the Expression then the value of *n* is 0.
it resolves to the semantic content: There are 0 apples I like eating.
There are 1 apples I like eating.
These are akin to Chiastic language (or pictorial) chains as found throughout the writing systems of Classical Antiquity. Here, the symbol "carries" and "stores" information (as it were) not contained within the Expression itself.
These are obviously very simple examples and we can conjure up many more that are a bit more complicated farily easily. I think these kinds of Expressions lend themselves nicely to Non-Eternalist Logic and represent an extreme from which binding (above) is designed to prevent or delimit.
The most obvious and natural go-to for how Symbols are bound conventionally is the Lambda Calculus. Lambda Calculus-esque Symbol Binding is basically assumed in almost every existing formal mathematical system (that I'm aware of at least).
I've discussed how we might "take the other route" here wherein one allows for Uniform Substitution to fail (Optionally-Bound Substitution).
Let's discuss this notion a bit more:
After originally posting this, I found a great and related research talk from the awesome folks at Microsoft Research and the Carnegie Mellon Department of Philosophy. Dr. Roux gives an Abstraction example that demonstrates the move from concrete instances to a general abstract Lambda Calculus expression at 3:09 - he uses the symbolic notion: (λz.z + x + z + y + z)1 which is cool since it's superficially similar to the above and was discussing some related and converging topics.
This gives rise to the following kind of question: what truly establishes the equivalence of two occurrences of the same Shape in these Expressions? (Indeed, arguably, the Lambda Calculus is interesting because it helps to articulate these notions precisely.)
Consider the first and the second occurrence of the geometric Shape Symbol ◇? (As stated, the human mind automatically associates and links the Letter Tokens but when we use other kinds of notation this implicit linkage falls away. The Cognitive Science behind that is intriguing but is a tad tangential to us presently.).
Needless to say, Uniformly Bound Substitution operates on the level of those implicit Lexiographical Isomorphisms (sameness in Letter Token Shape).
So, by denying mandatory Uniform Substitution for Symbols that are Bound, perhaps we move closer to unpacking and dislodging some of the implicit dogmas at work in the human mind that taint the purity of our Language and thinking systems.
A Symbol (or Term) being Free can be Expressions themselves and that can contain Uniformly Bound Expressions.
No wff will exist in a First Order Expression that has any Unbound, non-Constant, Free Variables (which are uniquely specified via stipulated definitions - typically, :=
). As such, there are no Variables that either aren't Bound or that lack a precise mapping into the Domain (period) in any grammatically-valid First Order Logic Expression.
. It's important to stress that the concept of Free and Bound Variables apply at the level of the Expression whereas the concept of Optional Binding applies at the level of the Binding Operator.
In the absence of Uniform Binding there's no other formal notion of Symbol Binding around. So, restricting all Variable Substitution to being Free apparently wouldn't allow for any Substitution at all.
Lexiographic Isomorphism does not necessarily entail the same treatment under a Subsitution Operation.
The identification of Symbol Tokens by Lexiographic Isomorphism is not assumed.
An example of a sequence of Symbols replaced via Optional Subtitution: